This morning I got a 30 km ride in before work, and turned up two flycatchers. Along the railroad tracks between Church Rd and Morningstar golf course in french Creek, was a Hammond's Flycatcher. In the pasture near the sea soil compost facility, was a Say's Phoebe, predictably, perched on a fencepost in a horse corral. Although we have had Say's Phoebe several weeks earlier than this, today date is about typical for early arrival Hammond's Flycatchers in the Parksville-Qualicum checklist area.
Another sign of migration were the scores of Savannah Sparrows at every weedy edge of a lawn, field, or beach. One day they weren't here, the next day they seem to be everywhere. The Virginia Rail poking around in a puddle along the railroad tracks should maybe keep on migrating until it finds some suitable habitat?
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